Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bahia Honda State Park

Bahia Honda Key is a couple islands west of the end of the 7 Mile Bridge.  The entire island is now a Florida State Park.  The west end of the island has a cove, between the new auto bridge and the old Flagler train bridge, which was converted to automobile use.  This cove makes a nice anchorage with more protection than many in the Keys.  It was home to Last Dance for the exploration of another Florida State Park island.  The above image was made from atop the old bridge looking northeast.

One of the interesting aspects of the park is the ability to see one of the old Flagler era railroad bridges that was converted for automobile traffic after the 1935 hurricane.  The 100-year-old bridge still stands with a short section used for walking and viewing.  This bridge is unique on the Flagler Keys railroad in the use of trestle construction.  The trestle structure held the rails on the bottom bed with the overhead structure providing support.  The width of the trestle was too narrow for a two-lane road, so the roadway was built on top of the trestle.  The 1912 trestle remains sturdy, but the late 1930 roadway built atop is crumbling from the expansion of the rusting rebar inside the concrete.

The South Florida sun provided another spectacular view, this time concentric rings at mid day.

1 comment:


    Come on...Take a ride!!
    This video is a cool and unique view of the Florida Keys, Bahia Honda State Park and the awe inspiring, astounding power of Mother Nature! Traversing the Park on bike it shows a side by side, before and after comparison of most areas of the park accessible by a typical visitor. In the span of just a few hours, the landscape of the park was changed, probably forever. The pre-Irma video was taken 6 months before Irma, early March 2017. The post-Irma video was shot 6 months after in early March 2018. Looking at photos of the park shortly after the hurricane it is awesome to see how much has already been accomplished by the Park system as far as the rehab... with much more soon to come. Even after the Irma, Bahia Honda is still one of the most naturally beautiful State Parks in the entire country. The fastest way for recovery is for you to visit....Don't hesitate, a little bit beat up and bruised but it's all still here.
