Saturday, February 25, 2012

Clearwater Beach

Clearwater Beach has sprouted high rise condominiums and large hotels.  While these are the first and highest impact images as one approaches the island, there are interesting aspects of this town.

Art Deco hotels still stand,

churches have nautical doors,

and, some old, locally-owned restaurants have survived.

In fact, Frenchy's has done so well that they now have three other locations in addition to the original.  For tourists without transportation, there is a Frenchymobile.  Note the grouper sandwich display on the roof, advertising one of their most famous menu offerings.

You do meet great people around cruising boats.  Another example occurred at Clearwater Beach where Harvey and Dana gave Last Dance a berth at their home dock.  The parents next door, Russell and Marion, loaned us their Mercedes for several trips into town.  Wonderful people along the waterways.  Photos below are from the backyard.

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