Sunday, September 4, 2011

Trent-Severn Canal -- Architecture

Architecture along the waterways has been varied and interesting.  Along the shores of the Trent-Severn are some notable and different architecture.  West of the Peterborough, the Trent College campus lies on both sides of the canal.  The architectural theme is applied to all the buildings and even to the pedestrian walkway across the canal.  In the last photo, a benefit of attending a college on a waterway can be seen: students are enjoying a swim.

The old adage -- People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones -- has always been a puzzlement since one does not see glass houses.  However, there is one on the Trent-Severn.  Many adages about glass houses and privacy could easily be coined as the owner was observed preparing lunch as Last Dance passed by.

While not having interesting or innovative architecture, a church built on an island was unique in that the island is so small that the only structures on the island are the church and a dock.  Everyone wishing to attend must arrive by boat.

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