Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Chesapeake Bay -- Dropping Anchor

The Chesapeake "is still the world's most enchanting inland water.  If a man owned a boat
which drew less than four feet, he could cruise the Chesapeake for a 1000 consecutive days
and drop the anchor each night in a different cove."
                                                                                                                  James A, Michner, Chesapeake

Hanging at anchor in some of the coves along the eastern shore of the Bay was an enchanting experience.  The geography of the Bay has many peninsulas lined with smaller peninsulas.  These peninsulas have been named "necks," and there are many.  As an example, the chart below is of the neck that lies between the Little Choptank River on the south side and the Choptank River on the north.  This unique geography creates the 1000 or more coves.

If the old adage:  "A picture is worth a 1000 words" is correct, the more efficient means of communicating the experience of these coves may be through photography.

Hudson Creek off Little Choptank River

Baby Owl Cove, Broad Creek, off the Choptank River

San Domingo Creek, Off the Choptank River

At the Navigable End of the Little Choptank River

Chester River, Chestertown

Sunrise over the River

Wye River

Anchored in Pickering Creek, View from Audubon Park

Resident of the Audubon Park

Dividing Creek

Skipton Creek, Old English Pub and English Garden

Sassafras River

Last Dance at anchor on Back Creek off the Sassafras River.  The view is from a bridge at Mt. Harmon, which was a tobacco plantation prior to the Revolutionary War.  The house and property have been given to a historical nonprofit group to manage and display to the public.  Most visitors arrive by car.  This group recognizes and welcomes cruising boaters by having a dinghy/kayak landing marked with a Maryland State Flag.  The home serves as a museum and provides a beautiful, romantic setting for many weddings.

View Across Back Creek from the Widow's Walk

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