Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Washington, DC: Flora

A number of themes have emerged on this journey, including: flora, fauna, friends, and food.  The cherry trees and blossoms, of course, fit the flora category, but there was more in Washington, DC, than was expected.

Camellias were expected in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, and they did not disappoint with brilliant, colorful blooms in every place visited.  Camellias were not expected in Washington, DC.  The Pink Icicle Camellia above is in a garden next to the Smithsonian Art and Industry Museum.  This image also captures the interesting and unique architecture of this building.

The original Smithsonian building, The Smithsonian Castle, has a garden at the front entrance.  The garden is ahead of other areas in beginning the spring display because, while it is on the ground level, it is a roof-top garden.  The Sackler Gallery has most of its display area underground, under this garden.

The Japanese Magnolias were amazingly full of blooms, their beauty rivaling the heralded Japanese Cherry Trees, for which Washington celebrates with a festival.

Orchids in Washington, DC?  A variety of flowering plants you would expect to find in South Florida, thrives here.  These plants were located in the United States Botanic Garden, located right in front of the US Capitol Building.  http://www.usbg.gov/   Many environments have been created supporting a diversity of plants.  Also located in Washington is The United States National Arboretum, with even more flora on display.   http://www.usna.usda.gov/   Washington, DC, a center for flowers - who woulda thunk?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dr. Moore & Jill!

    I just wanted to say hello and thank you for keeping up with this blog. It is such a good idea and I love reading it. The pictures are a good idea as well because I feel like I am getting to experience some of this with you!

    I am so happy that you are getting the most out of this experience. I wish you a safe and exciting journey!

    Thanks for keeping us up to date. I miss you!!

